
The only safest way to contact me is through Facebook Fan Page and Twitter Strip-IT. It's the only safest way right now to stay in touch with me. Trust me! The NSA spies are everywhere, and Edward Snowden has warned you. xD

If you are still insist to contact me via another address, you can reply a Kaskus thread that I have created. If so, leave a comment or give a good rating :malu: :rate5

Still want to reach me via e-mail? Okey, that's very easy. If you are an IT kid, you can easily find my e-mails. Not just e-mail, even my cellphone number and home address ('_') 9.

Satu-satunya cara yang paling aman untuk mengontak saya adalah melalui Fan Page Facebook dan Twitter Strip-IT. It's the only safest way right now to stay in touch with me. Trust me! Mata-mata NSA ada di mana-mana, dan Edward Snowden sudah memperingatkan Anda. xD



Jika Anda masih memaksa untuk mengontak saya lewat alamat lain, Anda dapat menyundul thread Kaskus yang telah saya buat. Jika berkenan, tinggalkan komentar atau berikan rating yang baik :malu: :rate5


Masih ingin menjangkau saya via e-mail? Okeh gampang banget. Kalau kamu anak IT, pasti bisa nemuin e-mail saya kok. Nggak cuma e-mail, bahkan nomor HP dan alamat rumah ('_' )9 .


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